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Director, Northrop Frye Centre

Victoria College, University of Toronto (2014-)


Professor, Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese (2019)


Cecil H. and Ida Green Visiting Professor, Green College, University of British Columbia. (March 2024)


Visiting Professor

University College Cork (March 2017; March 2019)


Jackman Research Professor

Jackman Humanities Institute, University of Toronto (2012-13)


Institut Ramon Llull Visiting Faculty

Queen Mary, University of London (Feb 2011)


Visiting Associate Professor

The Johns Hopkins University, Fall 2010





Ph.D. Romance Studies: Cornell, 2002

M.A. Romance Studies - Spanish: Cornell, 2001

M.A. Spanish: Queen’s University at Kingston, 1999

B.A. Specialised Honours Spanish: University of Guelph, 1995




J.M-Batista i Roca-Memorial Enric Garriga Trullols Award for the promotion of the Catalan Language and Culture abroad. 2022


Chair, Manuscript Review Committee, UTP, 2019-


Named to Manuscript Review Committee, University of Toronto Press, 2014-

Jackman Humanities Institute Faculty Research Fellow in Residence 2012-13

Shortlisted for Canada Prize in the Humanities (English) 2010 for Jazz Age Barcelona 

Victoria University Students’ Activity Council (VUSAC) Outstanding Faculty Award (2006-07) 














The Hotel: Occupied Space 

                   (U of Toronto P, 2018)













Jazz Age Barcelona  

                   (U of Toronto P, 2009) 

Shortlisted for the 2010 Canada Prize in the Humanities (English)




Hispanic Review. 78.4 (2010): 273-5 

Canadian Journal of History. 45.2 (2010): 381-2 

Trípodos: Llenguatge-Pensament-Comunicació. 26.1 (2010): 183-86

American Historical Review. April 2011

Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies. 12.2 (2011): 257-58




“Toronto 2013." Guest Editor (with Anna Casas Aguilar) Special Issue of Catalan Review. 28 [link] (2014). 














“New Coordinates: Spatial Mappings, National Trajectories.” Guest Editor (with Joan Ramon Resina) Special Double Issue of Diacritics. 33.3-4 (2003) [2006]. 203 pp. [link]


















Contributions by: Alain Badiou, Étienne Balibar,Bruno Bosteels,
M. Christine Boyer, Tom Conley, Robert A. Davidson,
Neil Leach, Enrique Lima, Simone Pinet, Joan Ramon Resina,
and Kristin Veel.



“Barcelona triomfant.” 

Modernism/modernity. 15.2 (2008): 387-91.



The Development of the Hotel and Tourism Industry in the Twentieth Century. Eds Carlos Larrinaga and Donatella Strangio. Palgrave, 2023. Journal of Tourism History.


Catalan Narrative 1875-2015. Eds. Jordi Larios and Montserrat Lunati. Legenda, 2020. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies. Forthcoming.


Basilio, Miriam M. Visual Propaganda, Exhibitions, and the Spanish Civil War. Burlington, Vt.: Ashgate, 2013. 2016.

Levander, Caroline Field and Matthew Pratt Guterl. Hotel Life: The Story of a Place Where Anything Can HappenJournal of Tourism History, 8:2, (2016): 211-213

Bou, Enric. Invention of Space: City, Travel and Literature. Hispanic Review. 83.4 (2015): 485-88.

Bentley, Bernard P.E. A Companion to Spanish CinemaRevista canadiense de estudios hispánicos. 33.2 (2009): 457-8.

Mendelson, Jordana. Documenting Spain: Artists, Exhibition Culture, and the Modern Nation, 1929-1939. Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies. 7.3 (2006): 313-15.


Diéz de Revenga, Francisco Javier. Poetas y narradores. La  narrativa breve en las revistas de vanguardia en España (1918 1936). Hispanic Review. 74.2 (2006): 212-14.


Dru Dougherty and Milton M. Azevedo, eds. Multicultural Iberia: Language, Literature, and MusicRevista de Estudios Hispánicos 35 (2001): 671-72.


Renée Craig-Odders. The Detective Novel in Post-Franco Spain: Democracy, Disillusionment and BeyondRevista de Estudios Hispánicos 34 (2000): 444-46.



“Bravanariz’s Fluid Landscape.” MLN. Forthcoming 2025.


“Death, Tourism and Balconies in Magaluf Ghost Town (Blanca 2021)” Journal

of Spanish Cultural Studies. 24.4 (2023): 545-63.


“Cava’s Place.” Digestible Governance: Gastrocracy and Spanish Foodways. Eds.

Eugenia Afinoguenova, Lara Bernadette Anderson and Rebecca Ingram. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP. Forthcoming 2024.


​“Barcelona: The siege city.” The Barcelona Reader: Cultural Readings of a City. Eds. Enric Bou and Jaume Subirana. Liverpool, Liverpool UP, 2017. 21-42.

“The Guide for Guides: Soldevila's L'art d'ensenyar Barcelona." Arizona Journal of Hispanic Cultural Studies. 19 (2015): 81-93.

"Barcelona's Permeable Monument: Fontserè's Umbracle and the Parc de la Ciutadella." Journal of Romance Studies. 14.3 (2014): 86-99.

"The Priorat and the Landscaping of Catalan Terroir.” The New Ruralism: An Epistemology of Transformed Space. Eds. Joan Ramon Resina and William Viestenz. Madrid: Iberoamericana. 2012. 93-108.

“Exhausted Cosmopolitanism in Zamacois’s Memorias de un vagón de ferrocarril.” Spectacle and Topophilia: Reading Early (and Post-) Modern Hispanic Cultures. Eds. David Castillo and Bradley Nelson. Nashville: Vanderbilt UP. 2011. 173-88.

“Barcelona: The Siege City” in The Catalan Cultural Studies Reader. Ed. Dominic Keown. Woodbridge: Tamesis, 2011. 97-116.

“The De-Natured Object in Lluís Capdevila's Memòries d'un llit de matrimoni.”Anales de Literatura Española Contemporánea. 35.1 (2010): 177-95.

“Animate Objects: Being, Obsolescence and the Limits of Citizenship in Ramón Gómez de la Serna.” MLN. 123 (2008): 274-93.

“Conceptualizing ‘the Impact’ in Julio Medem’s Los amantes del Círculo Polar (1998).” Burning Darkness: Half a Century of Spanish Cinema. Ed. Joan Ramon Resina with Andrés Lema Hincapié. SUNY Press, 2008. 195-209.

Terroir and Catalonia.” Journal of Catalan Studies. 10 (2007): 58-72.

"Cybernetic Totemism in Giménez Caballero’s Hércules jugando a los dados.” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies. 84.3 (2007): 305-18.

“Spaces of Immigration ‘Prevention’: Interdiction and the Non-Place.” Diacritics. 33.3-4 (2003) [2006]: 3-18.

“The Politicization of Jazz Age Space in José Díaz Fernández’s La Venus mecánica.” Revista de Estudios Hispánicos. 40 (2006): 197-215.

“A Periphery with a View: Hotel Space & Catalan Modernity.” Romance Quarterly. 53.3 (2006): 169-83.

“Latente armonía: Adolphe Appia y el sport como coreografía.” [with Enrique García Santo-Tomás]. Acotaciones: revista de investigación teatral. 17 (2006): 45-64.

“Observing the City, Mediating the Mountain: Mirador and the 1929 International Exposition of Barcelona.” Visualizing Spanish Modernity. Ed. Susan Larson and Eva Woods. Oxford: Berg. 2005. 228-43.

“‘Contrapunto haitiano’: cuento supermoderno de Ana Lydia Vega.” La Torre. 10.35 (2005): 29-44.

“Eugeni d’Ors y el espacio cosmopolita del Glosari (1906-08).” Oceanografía de Xènius. Estudios críticos en torno a Eugenio d´Ors. Ed. Carlos X. Ardavín, Eloy E. Merino and Xavier Pla. Kassel: Edition Reichenberg/Universitat de Girona, 2005. 195-206.




“Hacia una teoría del hotel moderno.” Hoteles de la imaginación (25 ilustradores pernoctan en 25 hoteles de ficción).” Museo Valencià de la IÅ€lustració i la Modernitat (MUVIM). 2007. 76-81.



“Introducció” Estudis cultural catalans. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (OUC). Trans. Josep-Anton Fernández. 30 pp.




“Residue: Literature, Mourning and the Catalan Landscape in Van der Vliet Oloomi’s Call Me Zebra (2018)” Revising draft.



“Smelling the Humanities.” University of San Diego. 11 Feb. 2025.


“Teaching Smell and Taste.” Durham University, 13 November, 2024.


“Boadas.” 19th Conference of the North American Catalan Society. University of Minnesota. 19-21 April, 2024. (Keynote Lecture)


“Oliendo el siglo veinte en España.” SPA 259, Dept. of Spanish & Portuguese, UofT. 19 March, 2024.


“Extreme Overtourism and Magaluf Ghost Town.” SPAN 430, Dept of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies, UBC. 6 March, 2024.


“Smelling the Humanities.” Cecil H. and Ida Green Visiting Professor Lecture, Green College, University of British Columbia. 5 March, 2024.


“Vichy Catalan and the Marca Barcelona.” Università di Bologna. 6 Dec, 2023.


“Liquid Land: Vichy Catalan, Branding and Catalunya-Ciutat.” Stories Come to Matter: Water, Food, and Other Entanglements. Università Ca’ Foscari, 4-5 December, 2023.


“Smelling the Archive: Perfumery, Culture, Spain.” Harvard University. 28 November, 2023.


“The Heady Highlands: Olfactory Impressions of the North” Centre for Scottish Studies, University of Guelph, November 14, 2023


“Spain’s Perfumed Modernity.” Princeton University. 6 October, 2023.


“Spain’s Fragrant Modernity” Wesleyan University. 12 April, 2023.


“A Captured Landscape: Olfaction, Excursionisme, Empordà” Trinity College Dublin, 16 March, 2023.


“The Scent of Spain” University of British Columbia, 12 October, 2022.


“The Scent of Spain.” Summer Institute, el taller. NYU. 8 June 2022.


“A Renewed Renaixença: Landscape, Narrative, Olfaction.” The Joanot Martorell Annual Lecture. Instituto Cervantes London & Queen Mary. 1 December 2021. (named lecture)


“Cava, Vermouth and Sociability.” Sant Jordi in NYC. 12 April, 2021


“Cava’s Place.” University of Chicago. 26 February, 2021.


“Francesc Trabal and his Surrealist Economy.” University of British Columbia, 14 January, 2020


“Misplaced Things: Trabal's Odd Economy in The Man Who Lost Himself.” University of Minnesota, 30 Sept. 2019.


"Hotel Horizons, The Hotel: Occupied Space." Harvard University, 5 April, 2019. 


“Precarious Sanctuary: Refugee Hotels Under Siege." Spaces of Displacement and Refuge. University College Cork, 27 March, 2019 


“Foodways and Gaudí.” University College Cork, 26 March, 2019


“On the Tourist & the Sniper: Wartime Hotels and Looking in the 20th Century.” Spatial Humanities Cluster, University College Cork, 25 March, 2019


“The Modern Hotel: From Edward Hopper to the Syrian Refugee Crisis." Victoria Women's Association, Victoria College. 28 February 2018.


"Misplaced Things: Trabal's Odd Economy in The Man Who Lost Himself (1929).” University of Toronto, 1 December 2017


“Requisitioning and Occupancy.” University of Guelph, 21 November, 2017. 


"Modernity in the Shade: Permeability and Barcelona’s Umbracle." Cambridge University, 9 November 2017.


“The Art of the Hotel.” The Arts and Letters Club of Toronto, 3 October 2017.


"Misplaced Things: Trabal's Odd Economy in The Man Who Lost Himself (1929).” Harvard University, September 2017.


“A Peculiar Economy of Things: Accumulation and Loss in Trabal’s The Man Who Lost Himself (1929).” The Johns Hopkins University, 12 April 2017.

Closing Lecture, "Noucentismes: el Noucentisme català en el context cultural europeu." II Simposi Internacional sobre el Noucentisme. Girona, 25 March 2017.

“Fontcuberta’s First Meta-Documentary: Herbarium and the Limits of Being.” University College Cork, 15 March, 2017.


“Things at the Edge.” Masterclass. University College Cork, 15 March 2017.


“Las raíces rurales del turismo gastronómico.” Seminar. University of British Columbia, 29 February 2017.


“Occupancy and Edward Hopper’s Paintings” Green College, University of British Columbia, 28 February 2017.


“Madrid’s Movida: Contextualising Almodóvar’s Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios.” TIFF, 22 February 2017.


“More Than A Stadium: FC Barcelona’s Camp Nou.” Later Life Learning, Toronto, 20 January, 2017.  


“Occupancy During Wartime.” University of Guelph, 22 November, 2016. 


“An Immersive Archive: On Humans and The Internet of Things” Keynote Lecture for “ARCHIVES, POETICS & RECEPTIONS: ii international poetry conference” Barcelona, 27-28 October 2016.

“More Than a Reliquary: Legacy, Practice, and Frye at Victoria College” Keynote Lecture for Keeping Faith: The Post-Frye Landscape in Humanist Scholarship. Dalian University of Technology, China. 2 July, 2016.


“The End of Secular Sanctuary” School of Advanced Study, University of London, 10 November, 2015.

“Soft Targets & Wartime Hotels” University of Guelph, 23 February, 2015.

“Barcelona: Siege City” Learning Unlimited, Etobicoke, 21 January, 2015.

“New York's World's Fairs” Later Life Learning, Toronto, 14 November, 2014.

“Barcelona/Sevilla 1929/1992” Later Life Learning, Toronto, 17 October, 2014.

“Tourists, Snipers & the Requisitioned Hotel” Tourism Working Group, University of Guelph, 18 November, 2013.


“Photojournalism & Jazz Age Barcelona” University of Cambridge, 5 November, 2013


“Catalan Terroir: From the Priorat to Ferran Adrià” Bryn Mawr College, 6 March, 2013.


“Hopper’s Hotel Paintings and ‘Occupancy’” UMass Amherst, 20 February, 2013.


“The Guide for Guides: Hospitality and Instruction in Soldevila’s L’art d’ensenyar Barcelona (1929)” Ca Foscari University, Venice, 11 December, 2012.


“The Revolution’s Hilton: The Havana Hilton Hotel from Burt Glinn to Ramón Serrano.” Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, 25 October, 2012.


“Barcelona Siege City.” Queen Mary, University of London, 17 February, 2011.


“Barcelona’s Jazz Age Lens.” Queen Mary, University of London, 16 February, 2011.


“Iberian Publishing" Iberian Modalities. Stanford University, 11 February. 2011.


“The Object-Citizen in Lluís Capdevila´s Memòries d’un llit de matrimoni” Columbia University, 4 November. 2010.


“Cultural Terracing: The Priorat & Catalan Terroir” Brown University, 5 April. 2010.


“Jazz Age Spain: Transatlantic Conduct in El negro que tenía el alma blanca” University of Western Ontario, 29 January. 2010.


"Shooting Barcelona: Jazz Age Photography & the Catalan Capital" University of Birmingham, 11 Nov. 2009

Jazz Age Barcelona Book Launch & Discussion with Jordana Mendelson. The Catalan Center at NYU. 9 October 2009.


“La singularitat de Barcelona.” Departament de Cultura i Mitjans de Comunicació de Catalunya. Auditori de la Pedrera, Barcelona 30 June 2009.


“Photo-Journalism and Jazz Age Barcelona.” Brown University. 19 April 2009.


“Urban Terroir: Barcelona's Market System." Stanford University. 13 March 2009.


“Barcelona's Markets." Sheffield University. 11 February 2009.


“War in Abeyance: The Habana Libre Hotel.” The Johns Hopkins University. 28 February 2008.


“The Habana Libre Hotel.” LAS Luncheon Series. University of Toronto. 7 November 2007.


“Hotel Theory.” Faculty Seminar.  Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto. Organized by Prof. Ato Quayson, Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies. 30 March 2007.


“War in Abeyance: The Habana Libre Hotel.” University of California at Berkeley, 16 March 2007.


“The Tourist Gaze & the Sniper.” Stanford University.  14 March 2007.


“Jazz Age Barcelona: Journalism, Cocktails, and Dictatorship.” The Johns Hopkins University. 5 March 2007.


“Conceptualizing the ‘Impact’ in Medem’s Los amantes del Círculo Polar.” Columbia University. 15 February 2007.


“The Modern Hotel: From Détente to Detention.” Salon Voltaire: Engage With Ideas. Gardiner Museum. Toronto. 10 November 2006.


Panellist. Press Preview of Horizonte, the latest work by Cuban artist Ramón Serrano. Corkin Shopland Gallery. Toronto. 5 September 2006. 


“The Wartime Hotel.” Wheaton College (MA). 10 March 2005


“Spanish Cinema Beyond Almodóvar: Julio Medem’s Lovers of the Arctic Circle.” SUNY Buffalo, 18 November 2004.


“Melodramatic Madrid: Fascist Gangsters? Dead Cyclists?” Lecture in Europe's Postmodern Auteurs: From the New Wave to the New Melodrama, Dept. of Media Studies, SUNY Buffalo, 18 November 2004.


Panellist. Teaching in Higher Education Special Panel on the Job Market [THE500H]. University of Toronto, 15 March 2004.


“Transatlantic Modernisme: Gaudí’s Hotel Attraction and the Baroque Sensibility.” University of Western Ontario. 12 March 2004.


“Strategies for the PhD in Romance Studies.”  RSGA Symposium, Cornell University, 11 April 2003.


“Modernity Denied: The Poble Espanyol and the Barcelona Exposition of 1929.” University of Guelph, 8 November 2002. 





A. Refereed Papers


“Shitty Holidays: Catalan Christmas and the Perpetual Tourist Season.” 2024 MLA Convention. Philadelphia. 5 January, 2024.


“A Captured Landscape: Olfaction, Excursionisme, Empordà.” II Seminari d’estiu North American Catalan Society El lloc i l’espacialitat en els estudis catalans. Institut d’Estudis Catalans. 12 July, 2023.


“The Landscape Garment: On Wearing the Scent of a Place.” LXVII Anglo-Catalan Society Annual Conference. Universitat Jaume 1. Castelló de la Plana. 4-6 November, 2022.  


“Catalonia’s Fragrant Modernity.” 18th Conference of the North American Catalan Society. U Mass Amherst. 15-17 April, 2022.


“The Balcony: Touristic Death and Perspective in Magaluf Ghost Town (Blanca

2021)” LXVI Annual Anglo-Catalan Society Conference. 4-6 November 2021.


“Mourning and Landscape” 17th Conference of the North American Catalan

Society. University of Chicago. April 2019.


"Hotel Horizons." Memories of the Future II, University of London, 28-29 March, 2019.


“Capdevila’s Conscious Bed: It-Narratives and the Catalan Interior.” LXIII Anglo-Catalan Society Conference. Accepted for presentation at Birmingham, 10-12 November, 2017.


“Post-Crisis Copes: Reading the Vermouth Revival in Barcelona.” 16th Colloquium of the North American Catalan Society. Bloomington, 18-20 May 2017.

“The Vineyard’s Surrealist Champion: Dalí and The Wines of Gala (1977). LXII Anglo-Catalan Society Conference. Leeds, 11-13 November, 2016.

“Surrealism’s Vinous Landscape: Organization and Modification in Dali: The Wines of Gala (1977)” Landscapes of Wine in Literature and Cinema. Grumello del Monte, Italy. 6-8 June, 2016.

"Toronto Modernisme: Bar Raval, Food Practice, and “Gauhaus” Legacy." LXI Annual Conference of the Anglo-Catalan Society. University of Glasgow, Glasgow. 13-15 November 2015.

"Barcelona's Permeable Monument: Josep Fontseré's Umbracle."When the Event Constructs the City: Reading Barcelona's Built Environment. MLA Annual Convention. Vancouver. 2015.


"Hidden Things: Mimicking Life with Detritus in Fontcuberta's Herbarium (1984)." Conceptual Art in Spain (1960s to 1980s). MLA Annual Convention. Vancouver. 2015.

"The Object Landscape of D'Ací i d'Allà." The 60th Annual Conference of the Anglo-Catalan Society. University College, Cork. 5-7 September 2014.


"Gaudí's New York." Memories of the Future. Chelsea College of Art UAL and Institute for Modern Languages Research. London. 2-3 May 2014.


"Losing Things in Trabal's L'home que es va perdre (1929)." The 59th Annual Conference of the Anglo-Catalan Society. Manchester. 1-3 November 2013. 


“The Hotel, Decompression and Barcelona.” Peripheral Modernisms. Institute for Advanced Study, University of London. London. 22-23 March 2012.


“The Sniper & the Tourist in Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia” The 57th Annual Conference of the Anglo-Catalan Society. London. 25-27 November 2011.


"The Cinematic Space of the Hotel: From Segundo de Chomón's The Electric Hotel (1905) to Spike Jonze's “Weapon of Choice” (2000). Film and Media 2011: The First Annual London Film and Media Conference. London. 12-14 July 2011.


"The Reduction of the Local: Gastronomy and Food Practices After Adrià." MLA Annual Convention. Los Angeles. January 2011.


“Barcelona is Different.” The 55th Annual Conference of the Anglo-Catalan Society. Edinburgh. 13-15 November 2009.


“Detention Hotels.” The Association of American Geographers Annual Conference, Boston, 15-19 April 2008.


“Barcelona's Markets.” NEMLA Buffalo. 10-13 April 2008.

“Urban Terroir: Barcelona's Market System.” España XX/XXI: Diálogos en el hispanismo peninsular 27-29 March 2008.


“War in Abeyance: The Habana Libre Hotel.” LASA2007. Montréal. 4-8 September, 2007.


“Terroir and Theories of the Everyday in Contemporary Urban Spain.” Cultural and Political Transformation in Contemporary Spain: The City as Symptom. The 122nd MLA Annual Convention. Philadelphia. 27-30 December 2006.


“A Taxidermic Imagination: Class Decay in J. M. de Sagarra’s Vida privada.” Modes of Being in Catalan Culture. Presented at The 122nd MLA Annual Convention. Philadelphia. 27-30 December 2006.


“An Evolving Terroir: Catalan Nationalism, the Land, and Food.” The 52nd Annual Conference of the Anglo-Catalan Society. Lancaster. 17-19 November, 2006.


“Anxieties of the Inanimate: Zamacois’s Memoirs of a Railway Car.” When the Archive Comes Alive: Realms of Subjectivity in Spanish and Catalan Modernism. The Modernist Studies Association Annual Conference. Tulsa. 19-22 October 2006.


“Avant-garde Citizenship: Animate Objects and Obsolescence in Gómez de la Serna.” Nuevas Vanguardias. The 121st MLA Annual Convention. Washington. 27-30 December 2005.


“Requisitioning Urban Memory: The Wartime Hotel and the Spanish Civil War.” Open Hostilities: War, Memory and Recall in Contemporary Spain. The 121st MLA Annual Convention. Washington. 27- 30 December 2005.


“Jazz Age Scandal Sheet: Barcelona’s El Escándalo (1925-26).” 11th North American Catalan Society Conference, Eton College, UK. 19-21 December 2004.


“Animate Objects: ‘Citizenship’ & Obsolescence in Gómez de la Serna.” Ephemeral Modernity: The Objects and Erotics of Modernism in Spain. Modernist Studies Association 6th Annual Conference. Vancouver. 21-24 October 2004.


“Barcelona’s Anti-Modern Monument: The Poble Espanyol.” Kentucky Foreign Language Conference. Lexington. 15-18 April 2004.


“Eugeni d’Ors and the Politics of Cosmopolitanism.” Turn-of-the-Century Catalunya: 1900/2000 (Part II). The 118th MLA Annual Convention. New York. 27-30 December 2002.


“The Ritme of the Age: Sebastià Gasch and the Establishment of the Critical Jazz Aesthetic in Barcelona, 1929-1930.” The 10th North American Catalan Society Conference, Brown University. 10-12 May 2001.


“La fragmentación de lo icónico y el mercado milenario: tensión entre imagen ‘fática’ y contexto en las carteleras de Jamón, jamón (Bigas Luna, 1992).” Spain in the Twenty-First Century: Literature, the Arts, and Culture, The Ohio State University. 1-4 November 2000.


“Reaffirming Spain as Centre: Peripheral Resistance and National Renewal in Giménez Caballero’s ‘Carta a un compañero de la joven España’ (1929).” Beyond Boundaries II: New Europe...Pan Europe? Trajectories and Destinations, European Studies Research Institute, University of Salford, England. 19-21 February 1999.

B. Non-Refereed

Respondent. Roundtable: "The Afterlife of Translation: Here's the Book, Where are the Readers?" 16th Colloquium of the North American Catalan Society. Bloomingon, 18-20 May, 2017.

“Jazz Age Barcelona” ACH Conference. Ottawa, 25 May 2009. “Sebastià Gasch's City: From the Synoptic to the Eulogistic.” 7th Annual Mediterranean Studies Association Conference. Barcelona. 26-29 May 2004.

“A Periphery With a View: Catalan Modernism & The Hotel.” Modernity and Modernism in the Mediterranean. Toronto. 30 October - 1 November 2003.

“Conceptualising the ‘Impact’ in Medem’s Los amantes del Círculo Polar (1998).” Annual Conference of the Asociación Canadiense de Hispanistas. Halifax. 28-31 May 2003.

“‘La grácil sacudida del avión’: no lugares y supermodernidad en ‘Contrapunto haitiano’ de Ana Lydia Vega.” Escritura, individuo y sociedad en España, Las Américas y Puerto Rico. Encuentro Hispánico dedicado a Roberto   González Echevarría y José Ferrer Canales, Universidad de Puerto Rico at Arecibo.  21-23 November 2002.






Supervisor, José Villalobos Graillet (Spanish and Portuguese):  "Del Texto al Contexto: Un Estudio de la Censura y la Recepción de La Celestina del Cine del Segundo Franquismo al Cine de la Democracia "


Supervisor, Oleksiy Babych (Spanish and Portuguese): " Picking up the Pieces: The Economic Crisis and the Transformation of the Contemporary Peninsular Novel "


Supervisor, Verónica Jímenez (Comparative Literature): “What Fate Forbids: Reading Precarity in 21st-Century Texts”


Supervisor, Tara Downs (Spanish and Portuguese): “The Fear Factor: Terrorism and the Search for Subjectivity in Contemporary Peninsular Drama”

Supervisor, Anna Casas Aguilar (Spanish and Portuguese): “Fathers to a Fatherless Nation: From Abjection to Legacy in Spanish & Catalan Autobiography”


Supervisor, Isabel Cascante (Spanish and Portuguese): "El ordenamiento del espacio transnacional: las posibilidades de una esfera pública global"

Supervisor, Shanna Catarina Lino (Spanish and Portuguese): "The 'Problem' of Immigration in the Contemporary Spanish Detective Novel"



In Progress


Supervisor, Marta Rocatín Centelles (Spanish and Portuguese): title tbd.



External Evaluator


Regina Galasso. Defence date: Feb 2008. “Latin from Manhattan: Transatlantic and Inter-American Cultural Production in New York (1913-63).” Department of German and Romance Languages, The Johns Hopkins University.

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